Every time I see it, I feel obligated (mostly by my tummy) to investigate the recipe it provides. Although I have only actually tried a handful, I'm always delighted and intrigued by the suggestions. Most come in the format of "Pour a cup of ice cold milk. Stir in a tablespoon of maple syrup for a sugar treat!". There's no true measurements, only suggestions, which is just my type of cooking! Here's a few of MY favorite snickersnacks:
Flavorful Popcorn - With a batch of regular popcorn (movie-theater butter tastes the best, of course) sprinkle layers with curry powder and nutritional yeast. The yeast adds a kind of cheesy flavor. It goes good on a lot of different foods.

Ants on a Log - Classic snack. Take a strip of celery, fill with peanut butter and top with raisins or chocolate chips.
All We Have is Chocolate Chips Dessert - Layer chocolate chips in a microwavable bowl; microwave until just melt, making sure not to burn. Smooth out and top with whipped cream for a quick chocolate fix.
Sammy Snacks |
Sammy Snack - My lovely sister, Samantha, loves pie crust. Whenever I bake a pie, I always make sure to cut off a 12 inch strip which I cut into bite-size bits and bake for her so she has something to snack on.
Sammy snacks! omnomnomnomnom :3